Put a Cockroach in My Muesli

Food for worship, food for special occasions, food in different cultures, food for school, food in restaurants, food you like, food you don't like, stealing food, preparing food, party food, play with food… Mischievous, playful, profound and poignant - these poems about food cover it all. Put a Cockroach in my Museli has two unifying features: each poem is about food and is superbly written with inventive word play. At a deeper level this book encourages children to think about the important and

Product Details
ISBN 9781741204049
Series Deep End
Author McDougall, Jill
Illustrator O'Loughlin, Sue
Themes , ,
Format Paperback
Text Type Verse
Reading Level Year 5
Classification Fiction
Stock High
Release Date October 14, 2008